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Questionnaire for Lecture Courses in the Faculty of Engineering:

Thank you for participating in the teaching evaluation of SS 2015.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A.P. Fröba, Dean of Studies
Jürgen Frickel, Evaluation Coordinator

In order to obtain sufficient information to guarantee a satisfactory quality assurance, the questions marked with "►►" are mandatory. 

2Personal and Course Information






3Mandatory Questions on the Lecture Course and Lecturer


►► The lecture course is consistent with the corresponding topics and skills in the module handbook.

strongly agree

strongly disagree


►► How well is the integration of the lecture course within your program of studies?

very well integrated

very poorly integrated


►► The structure of the lecture course is:

very good

very poor



►► How well are the content and organisation of the lecture course harmonised with the associated exercises/labs/tutorials?

very well

very poorly


►► The lecturer appears committed and motivated during the lecture course.

strongly agree

strongly disagree



►► Taken as a whole I am . . . . with this lecture course.

very satisfied

very unsatisfied


4Comments on the Lecture Course and Lecturer


Please restrict the comments to this lecture course, its relevance to your degree program, the lecturer (please mention the name, if there are several lecturers), the evaluation and the questionnaire itself. Other comments (e.g. pertaining to the overall content or organization of your degree program) should be provided on the Study Situation Questionnaire of the Faculty of Engineering. 




4.4I would like to answer optional questions to lecture course and lecturer.

7.1I would like to answer specific questions from the lecturer
. . . . (only relevant if the lecturer has defined any questions).

8Questions from the Lecturer