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New question group: Personal Information
My study program is:
Please select...
AOT - Advanced Optical Technologies
BCE - Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering
CBI - Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen
CE - Computational Engineering
EEI - Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik
EIB - Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Berufspädagogik/Lehramt
ET - Energietechnik
INF - Informatik
INFL - Lehramt Informatik
IUG - Informatik und geisteswissenschaftliches Fach
IUK - Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
LSE - Life Science Engineering
MAP - Advanced Materials and Processes
MB - Maschinenbau
MECH - Mechatronik
MW - Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
NANO - Nanotechnologie
SIM - Systeme der Informations- und Multimediatechnik
(T)Math - (Techno)-Mathematik
WINF - Wirtschaftsinformatik
WING - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
WW - Werkstoffwissenschaften
I do following degree:
Please select...
Dipl. - Diplom
B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science
M.Sc. - Master of Science
Dr.-Ing. - Promotion
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
Dipl.-Ing. mit Zusatzzertifikat
M.Sc.(hons) - Master of Science with Honours
Zwei-Fach-Bachelor of Arts
I am in the following semester:
Please select...
1. Sem.
2. Sem.
3. Sem.
4. Sem.
5. Sem.
6. Sem.
7. Sem.
8. Sem.
9. Sem.
10. Sem.
> 10. Sem.
I attend this course as part of my . . .
Please select...
Diplom/Lehramt, Grundstudium
Diplom/Lehramt, Hauptstudium, mandatory
Diplom/Lehramt, Hauptstudium, not mandatory
Bachelor programme, GOP
Bachelor programme, mandatory, no GOP
Bachelor programme, not mandatory
Master programme, mandatory
Master programme, not mandatory
New question group: My Homework
My average homework for preparation and revision of this supplementary course (for each 45 min.) amounts to:
Please select...
0 hours
0,5 hours
1 hour
1,5 hours
2 hours
3 hours
> 3 hours
For this supplementary course I attend approximately . . . percent of all classes.
Please select...
less than 50%
50 - 70%
70 - 90%
more than 90%
New question group: General Aspects of the Supplementary Course
Objective, structure and main focus of the content of this supplementary course are:
not recognizable
The quantity of this supplementary course is:
The technical level of this supplementary course is:
chosen form of the supplementary course (way to treat problems,
programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the knowledge of the content.
answer on a scale of 6 options. The left pole is: applies. The right
pole is: doesn´t apply. The chosen form of the supplementary course
(way to treat problems, programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the
knowledge of the content. Answer option 1 of 6 applies
option 2 of 6 Question The chosen form of the supplementary course (way
to treat problems, programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the
knowledge of the content.
option 3 of 6 Question The chosen form of the supplementary course (way
to treat problems, programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the
knowledge of the content.
option 4 of 6 Question The chosen form of the supplementary course (way
to treat problems, programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the
knowledge of the content.
option 5 of 6 Question The chosen form of the supplementary course (way
to treat problems, programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the
knowledge of the content.
option 6 of 6 doesn´t apply Question The chosen form of the
supplementary course (way to treat problems, programming, etc.) is
suitable to impart the knowledge of the content.
doesn´t apply
New question group: Didactic Aspects
The presentation of problems and solutions is comprehensible and there is sufficient time to follow the arguments.
doesn´t apply
Applicability of the content is made clear by the examples.
doesn´t apply
I am well instructed to solve problems on my own.
doesn´t apply
The relation to the lecture and the examination requirements is established.
doesn´t apply
New question group: Presentation by the Tutor
The presentation by the tutor is:
not appealing
The tutor verifies that problems and solutions have been understood and deals competently with questions.
doesn´t apply
New question group: Media
The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is:
answer on a scale of 6 options. The left pole is: appropriate. The
right pole is: inappropriate. The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard,
overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is: Answer option 1 of 6 appropriate
Answer option 2 of 6 Question The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is:
Answer option 3 of 6 Question The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is:
Answer option 4 of 6 Question The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is:
Answer option 5 of 6 Question The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is:
Answer option 6 of 6 inappropriate Question The use of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, beamer, etc.) is:
The supplied material is appropriate in its amount and quality for the purpose of the supplementary course.
doesn´t apply
With the help of the compiled exercise material it is . . . . to deepen the understanding of the lecture material:
well possible
hardly possible
New question group: General Impression
My overall rating for this supplementary course is (grade 1 to 6):
1 = very good
6 = very poor
New question group: Further Comments
Most appealing aspects:
Less appealing aspects, possible improvements:
In addition, I would like to make the following comments:
New question group: Questions Defined by the Tutor