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Study Situation Questionnaire: Please participate for this in the FAU Panel for all students of the University ! 

Personal Information

My Homework

Global Questions for all Course Types (with weighting)

My overall rating for this supplementary course is (50%):

very good 


very poor


The essential amount of work for this supplementary course is (12,5%):





The structure of the supplementary course is (12,5%):

very good 


very poor


The tutor appears committed and motivated during transaction of the supplementary course (12,5%).

pretty keen 


not at all


The tutor responds to questions and issues of the students (12,5%).

pretty keen 


not at all


General Aspects of the Supplementary Course

Objective and main focus of the content of this supplementary course are:



not recognizable


The level of difficulty of this supplementary course is:





The supplied material is appropriate in its amount and quality for the purpose of the supplementary course.



doesn´t apply


With the help of the compiled supplementary course material it is . . . . to deepen the understanding of the lecture/module subject:

well possible 


hardly possible


Didactic Aspects

The presentation of problems and solutions is comprehensible and there is sufficient time to follow the arguments.



doesn´t apply


Applicability of the content is made clear e.g. by examples.



doesn´t apply


The chosen form of the supplementary course (way to treat problems, programming, etc.) is suitable to impart the knowledge of the content.



doesn´t apply


The relation to the lecture and the examination requirements is established.



doesn´t apply


Presentation by the Tutor

The style of presentation by the tutor is:



not appealing


I am well instructed to solve problems on my own.



doesn´t apply


The use and interplay of audio-visual aids (blackboard, overhead projector, data projector, etc.) is:





Further Comments

Please restrict the comments to this supplementary course, its relevance to the study program, the tutor (please mention the name/number, if there are several tutors/groups), the evaluation and the questionnaire itself. Other comments should be inserted into the Study Situation Questionnaire of the Faculty of Engineering. 

Questions Defined by the Tutor

The possibly following optional questions were defined by the tutor only for his information, they have no relevance for the central evaluation process. 

Thank you for participating in the evaluation of WS 2011/12.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Wensing, Dean of Studies
Jürgen Frickel, Evaluation Coordinator